단 3초 코코넛 커팅! 신기한 기술로 만들어지는 코코넛 워터 대량생산 / Mass manufacturing of coconut water | Thailand food factory
ℹ️ Info
신기한 방식으로 만들어지는 코코넛 워터 대량생산 공장 이에요.
신선한 코코넛 워터를 맛 보실수 있는 기회~!
태국 만나요. 🤗
🔎Industry name
▶ All coco
▶ https://www.allcoco.co.th
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Email ▶ thefoodclub365@gmail.com
Instagram ▶ thefoodclub365
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Mantap kelapa nya siip….👍Tp sayang di tampat ku blm ada kelapa nya utk mencoba rasa nya
I ponder if right here is Vietnam the attach coconut candy is made
Utu apa kusus kelapa tok
The sustainable solutions you fragment are worthwhile, thanks so extra special!
Packaging a wonderfull natural kit with plastic. Dumbest folks.
plastique , plastique ….combien de hundreds of thousands de ces sacs vont partir en mer ?
🙏🙏Good to see your Arduous work💐💐Very Comely👍God bless you❤️Clutch care🙏🙏
By no manner belief I’d be mesmerized by coconut cutting! The precision right here is fabulous. 🌴💧
Howdy! I safe to make a choice out the coconut peeler in YouTube, are you able to counsel the manufacturer of the machine to me?
Gajinya brp tu kerja berat tiap hr
Mantap , salam dari degan Lumajang